A Mighty Release! Grace! Grace! Grace!

 A Time of Great Grace

It’s restoration time.  This is a new season, a season of completion, a season of new beginnings.  It’s a time of renaissance and discovery of new spiritual frontiers.  It’s a time of healing.  It’s now time to push the envelope and ride to the edge of space, no longer afraid of the unknown but a time for the brave ones to travel and discover new places in Christ!

When comes a partition or a polarization, there will also be a gathering together for unity.  The pendulum is swinging back!  It is a time of great grace being released by the Father.  All the wheels are turning and positioning themselves for alignment even as you are reading this. This is the season for alignments and the setting up for a major release. Indeed, it has been a long year of rest and much waiting. It has been a season of the vortex, and it shall continue to be as such where we are to continue receiving instructions from on high and begin to pray for the implementation and execution.

It has been also a season of crossing, baptism and metamorphosis; a season of completion and a beginning of the season of crescendos.  Now that we have crossed, it’s time to execute! It’s time to apply and implement what has been revealed in the last season.


What happened to my blessing Lord? 

Are you wondering why you haven’t seen an awakening yet and a full reversal of the things many prophets have spoken since the beginning of the season (5775) and the year (2015)?  Don’t worry!  It’s coming hard and fast (5776)! You might also be asking questions like, “Should I trust in the “Doom and Gloom” prophetic words or those that are of the “Blessing” prophetic voices?

Consider when a hurricane or a tropical storm is a far off some say, “It will bring destruction” (which may be so), but others will say, “It will bring the needed rain to make up for the drought” (that could also be possible).  Perhaps, the question we should be asking isn’t whether we believe one more than the other, instead we should be asking a different question.   Remember, Jesus prophesied many opposing paradigms but yet prophesying from the same Spirit.  One prophetic word would entail the many good things we are doing while another would speak with a warning of what would happen if we continued on the sinful path without correction.

The important question that we might want to ask now is, “where are we positioned?” Are we living in the gray?  If so then, we need to correct our deficiencies and move into the blue (light). We must be positioned in the safest place we could ever be and that is in the Promised Land—Christ Himself—in Him we are protected. He is our Goshen.

Some say that only the sovereign intervention of the Lord will cause a great awakening. Others claim that we must push, pray and contend to receive this awakening and God is waiting on us to make a move. Which one is correct? It’s another opposing paradigm. They are both correct. The Lord does nothing unless He first reveals it to His Prophets and then they release His Words. The Lord has already prepared those who He has called for this time, even before the ages of time.

A great awakening is released by the timing, power, and authority of the General–Holy Spirit. He is the One Who initiates all things, and also touches those who will respond to His call from deep within. Each person, individually, must accept responsibility for their positioning as a leader and as a Saint. We must set ourselves on fire with hunger, intimacy, and holy pursuit of His Presence.

His eyes have been searching throughout the earth for those who would accept their own awakening in order to awaken others. This election of men is in process and is already complete. The Lord is looking for over-comers, the new wine-skin. He is looking for those who are willing to be humbled, and those that have overcome the world and its lusts.

Most of all, prophetic people are sensing, we have been on the verge and tipping point for a new threshold. A great visitation for a breaking out of an awakening is at hand. Some are saying that we have not crossed. Others say that we have.  This whole year has been a year of crossing the threshold of the Jordan. This prophetic year has been a year of the arising Joshua leaders taking us through this crossing.


One thing that the Lord highlighted to me is:  Right now it is not the time to fear, but to rise and conquer as sons of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. We have crossed the Jordan and we are no longer fighting for the land of our inheritance. We have arrived, but we must fight in order to remain. We are living in the days of Joshuas arising.  The leaders like Joshua will understand the requirement to remain at least 2000 cubits (or .56 mile) behind the Ark of the Covenant, or in other terms, behind the leading of the presence of the Lord.Joshua 3 The Lord must remain at the forefront of the journey, especially because we have never been in this way before.


One good reason in mind for this is it is necessary to allow the Lord to remove our obstacles in front of us, so that the enemies’ hearts will melt within them and they will no longer have the courage to confront us in battle. God is calling all fearless leaders to stand up, and stand back before His Presence.


This is a time of restoration, a time of rebuilding, and time of recovering that which was once in the possession of our forefathers. The season that we are now in is critical, because the pendulum shifted so much to the left these last seven years, that potential momentum stored will cause it to swing equally to the far right.


It’s the time to choose with the Spirit, who our leaders will be–those who represent the cross of Christ at the forefront of each decision they make; leaders who will not fear to name the Name of Jesus above all other names. This is because they understand our place in this world. Listen to the leaders who are original sounds and not just repeating things like an echo!  These have a history with God, and a track record for taking a stand for extremely conservative issues. They must also show that they have a consistent prayer life, as well as a passion for the presence of God and all people.


So which is it, warning or blessings? They are both correct because the Spirit bears witness to both. The interpretation of our timing may not be as accurate as we would like, but we are surely nearing great times of convergence. These prophetic words from both camps are both emanating expressions of God’s voice. We just have to remember that they may not be for the same audience, though one will help the other reach its destiny. We, as members of the Bride of Christ must be consumed by fire to be brought from the gray areas and into the light.

What is This Gray I Keep Talking About? 

During the month of April, the Lord had given me a “word of knowledge” regarding the state of the condition of America.  If we were watching a movie of what was going on in America during and leading up to that month, we would have noticed the clear manifestation of several ideological strongholds in America by looking at one word—”Gray” (or grey as spelled in different countries).  What I saw was, that for each gray area in our moral values or distortions as a nation, there was a play on words and a pun with the message of what we needed deliverance from collectively.  Though I’ve come across only a handful of these clues, I’m pretty sure that there are more, if we took the time to research.  Here is what I am talking about: “Fifty Shades of Gray” (Sexual perversions and debasing women); Gray-A as in sexual orientation; Dorian Gray (Silent homosexuality); Adam Gray water bill (drought in California); Gray matter found after abortion; the Gray hair trends (granny hair); Jorg Gray Watch, and who wears it?; Freddie Gray and Baltimore (Violence and Rebellion against authority).  These are all manifestations of the spirit of gray.

We cannot stand in the gray area and expect the world to change by itself. The Lord has used many present conditions and circumstances on the earth right now to partition the sons of God where they should be—setting us apart from the lusts of this world. There has to be a differentiation between good and evil, light and darkness. We must be the carrier of the flames of His Love to the lost and ever sinful world.

The governments of the world will continue to seek their one-world agenda, as it always has been, however, that was never a surprise. That is why we had Babel, which was a union founded upon witchcraft, i.e. a rebellion against the authority of our Creator.  Our union on the other hand is for the fellowship with the Father and the restorations of all things in Christ.


The Present Times

I am very excited (and so is the great cloud of witnesses above) for the convergence of world events which are happening in our lifetime. This is the time that we, the true Church—the Bride—must increase our prayers with fervent urgency, intensity and frequency. We must begin to take our roles as priests and kings according to the calling of our Father’s business, and not be so preoccupied with the earthly or worldly business.

These are like the times when Joseph was released from prison to solve the issues of the world. In times of great distress, the Lord has given us Josephs who will keep us fed during the times of famine, because we began to prepare in the times of gain. I really do believe that these next eight years will be some of the best years of our lives. These times will be the times that those who have overcome and completed their Gilgal experiences, will begin to arise from the prisons in which our accusers had placed us.  We are to remember that the purpose of the time served was as a circumcision towards reigning in the palace.

The Lord is calling His Bride to awaken from a slumber. He is calling her to align with her destiny, the path which He has predestined for her to take. Let the wise virgins buy oil for the coming darkness. Let them prepare for it in the company of other wise ones who are waiting patiently for the bride groom.  He shall come like a thief in the night. He will come like a mighty rushing wind. He will come as a triumphant King, as well as a Judge to those who were not faithful.


What is About to be Released Now?

All I can see right now is a “dam of justice” full of blessings—for the saints who have been tested and faithful—ready to burst in a mighty release. Some things do not just require contending, prayer and fasting of the saints, but also the timing of seasons and alignments, in order for things to happen according to His purposes. “Present your case [again],” says the Lord. “Bring forth your strong reasons,” says King of Jacob. Isa 41:21


This picture of the Dam, that I keep seeing, is one that is about to break real soon. All the fullness of time from the last 50 years, held up until now. All the fullness of injustices including especially blood of the unborn that has been crying out to God for justice! Enough is enough!  It is a major reversal and release of blessings or jubilee.  So many people tried, contended for the selling of their properties, their investing into their new business, and attempting to remove all their debts for a fresh new start, but nothing substantial could work.  Until now! Why? Because it was not time yet! Earlier this year we saw it ahead of time, but could not attain it until the Lord rose up in our defense.  He is now rising in our defense. We must rise up also, if we are truly in Him.


The Reports and The Messages

We will not let the report of the unbelievers (the eight out of ten spies) sway a generation to death in the wilderness without seeing our promises fulfilled. We are not going to wait another 50 years to see the fulfillment of the next shift in the maturing of the Bride.  We must take responsibility to accept authority for advancement.

The doom and gloom messages are not necessarily against God’s pattern; they are in fact appropriate at times, especially when they don’t stir fear amongst the believers, but in the world. As in Jonah 3:5; So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.  Although, there is a lack of the fear of the Lord in the world and God’s people, a great visitation can change that quickly.

The truth is, America has backslidden and needs to return to Jesus. We must first honestly admit it and then are able to repent in order to reverse course.  I’m not advocating that we need to create fear, in order to release the urgency of the message at hand.  Yes, I have had dreams of darkness, war, and all the doom and gloom stuff. The Lord Himself knows!

When have we not been at war with the enemy? As a matter of biblical truth, the intensification of evil in the world is a sure thing.  The glorification and the rising of true sons of God is a sure thing, as well.   The key is, knowing the audience and what to share to the people in order not to stir fear, but to encourage the hope that can bring reformation. If there is someone who is sharing a warning type prophetic word allow them to do so (Jesus did many times, especially in the book of Revelation), especially if it’s of the Lord.  Just test the spirit behind the words and use discernment as well as Godly wisdom.

It’s time for the baton to be passed to the next generation. Transition is key to momentum.


Find A Key Action in Every Season

There is a key action in every season designed to release and open the door to the blessing for that season. One action that always breaks through, no matter the season, is worship. “Baal-perazim”, it means that “The Lord has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters.”2 Sam 5:20 It’s time to attack! We are in the offensive posture with our enemies in this hour. We must attack with the weapon of the Promised Land—Rest, Worship, Unity, Repentance and Remembrance, Joy, Wisdom, Love, Holiness, etc…

During worship is where we receive timeless revelations of His beauty and strategies for the hour. A church that understands and practices encountering Him knows the Presence of God, and can then execute divine instructions afterwards. The General is calling all churches to abide in worship. Worship will be emphasized more and more! It’s time we become a body with corresponding actions that produce authentic fruits of justice into our communities. It’s time that after we meet with the Lord in worship encounters. we do and accomplish what is asked of by the Father. I believe that’s why we see “power and might” at the end of Revelation 7:12. He empowers us with power and authority as ambassadors to accomplish His commands.

In order for the greatest awakening to be realized, the one that would never end, the saints have to be “normalized” (functioning in the fullness of the supernatural). In order for that to happen, the religious leaders must learn to let go. The saints must learn that preaching in front of a church is not the only goal, nor is it the only place of success while [gospeling]. Living a life daily expressing the fullness of the gospel is!

There are so many folks in need of “Sozo” all over the world, there is no need to run after the ones in the church buildings. Go! Go into the World and preach the gospel with signs following. Shift your frustration from not being allowed to preach in a pulpit, to focusing on how; “I will lead the unsaved to the Lord; “I’ll preach to them”; “I’ll heal them”; “I’ll deliver them from all kinds of sickness and diseases in Jesus’ Name.” Why ask Him to do something He’s already commanded you to do? You feed them, you heal them, you deliver them…are you not seated with Him in the heavenly places?  Is not the same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead living inside of you? If you don’t know how to do it, just ask the One Who’s living inside to show you!




Come Out From Among Them!

Fear not, it’s a time of restoration. It is one of the best times in our lifetime. It’s a time of great opportunity for the Kingdom and awakenings. What we almost had in 2007 we will have now. It is our time to choose righteous leaders to represent a body of righteous people. The pendulum is swinging back to a time of restoration, grace and mercy.

Mercy triumphs over judgment for those with an obedient and contrite heart. The Lord loves those who are willing to obey him now, rather than having to sacrifice later. I urge and encourage everyone reading this to take heed of their position in the body of Christ and their alignment in this timeline and in the will of God. I urge you to take responsibility over what is coming to us in the next season. We must choose this day to leave the gray area and enter in the blue flame of Holiness of the Lord. “Come out from among them,” says the Lord.

Let us not repeat the same mistakes we had made eight years ago with our silence and our decisions made by our emotions or intellect.  Let us choose our leaders according to the principles of the Lord. Let us not choose based on public polls, which are driven by the self-same media that influenced us in times past to achieve their worldly agenda. They would much rather have imposters in the White House than the real-deal Christian. Let us be like Jesus and look at the heart.

If we haven’t yet learned how to discern between good and evil, it might seem safe to be in the middle, but it’s not. It might seem right to be neutral, but it’s not. We must begin moving over towards the right side of the spectrum in order to shift the balance to the restoration state. I, personally, hold everyone reading this accountable for the decisions and the state of the nation. We must accept responsibility in order for us to receive authority.


Fear Not! Be Hungry and Bold!

Another thing that we need to do is, we need to stop fearing and just ask the Lord to give us boldness.  Boldness only comes to those who are hungry and the ones who are pursuing holiness violently. Obedience to the Word of God gives us boldness. We must be the people of the Word and must stand on the Word at all cost. We are praying that we would change the world, but when the conditions and opportunities arise that we may be able to do so, we are only complaining. Are we going to cower behind some false humility? Whatever it takes to stand, we must stand.  We must gird up our loins, put on our clothes, get up and follow Jesus.


We must arise, unite, and submit ourselves to stand behind the leaders that God has chosen to act as the courageous Joshuas of this Generation.  Of course it won’t be easy; otherwise it won’t be making history.  We were born for these times. We were born in this timeline and generation to defend the nation from domestic attacks as well as foreign.


The house has been infiltrated.  The enemy is laughing at the backslidden state of America. Fear not, because once backslidden, her return will cause a swing of the pendulum so far to the right that it will all be worth the struggles endured.

We actually have an opportunity to make a difference here people.  We have an opportunity to even overturn Roe vs. Wade—if we unite and pursuit it.  We have an opportunity to return the sanctity of marriage back to one woman and one man.  We have the opportunity to return a nation under peaceful, God-fearing leaders.


Fear not! Be courageous and stand on the Word.  For those who are living under the shadow of His wings surely nothing will come near them.


Let’s not say, “Let the politicians do their jobs.”  We, the people, are the ones who choose the direction of this country.  A holy indignation must arise from deep within each and every one of us—that needs to scream—“No!” Enough of the secularization of this nation!  That agenda started way back, way back when we lost our first war and the blood of the unborn began to be spilled.


The enemy noticed that the only way to get this nation to its knees was to attack it using principles and tactics against our biblical foundations; by attacking us from within, the same way the Israelites were attacked.  Nevertheless, the Lord had planned and prepared a remnant that would not bow the knee to the idols of America.  He positioned us, like Daniels and Josephs, in many strategic areas.  Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:29



Defend Israel at all cost

We must continue to press forward and stand like a brother with the nation of Israel.  We must defend them like never before, because as time continues to pass into the future, it may well become much costlier to everyone if we don’t!

The Bride of Christ and the parallel relationship between it and Israel are congruent. We must stand up for Israel and our leaders need to be avid supporters, also.  The nation of Israel faces world-wide scrutiny and is under attack even in this hour.  We must unite in prayer and the election of leaders who will unequivocally support Israel till the end.  This is what the blood moons are pointing to. Protect Israel at all cost.

Refiner Fire

For those who did not pass your crucible exam from this previous season, just remember Gilgal is a place of the wheel and it’s encountered in circular manner—you will return there soon until you pass. We must all be refined in order to be a people who can bring forth high quality fruit.


Our society has given a lot of the responsibility of proselytizing to ministers and leaders, who seem to have passed much of that onto their congregations, making it appear as if many leaders just can’t be bothered with it anymore. It is no longer like it was, when they were young and on fire without a building program or mortgage to worry about. We must all work together as a team in order to be a successful organism. We must begin to live a life that is so on fire that we are unable to differentiate between those who just got saved and those who’ve been around for 20 years, or longer. We must remain constant and unwavering, like a long distance runner. We must maintain hope, faith!

Let’s not create hype and pretend to be anything special while ministering—Jesus was natural.  Let us just release the supernatural the way Jesus showed us. Orphans often try to impress, in order to prove something, but sons already know they’re accepted, so they tend to act naturally-supernatural without bringing attention to themselves. They don’t care if revival or a move started with them or not. In the body of Christ including the great cloud of witness, they see it as it actually began with Jesus, then it was passed onto them first.  We are only building up from others work. Now, we are just receiving the baton of honor from those who came before us. The best and the fastest racers are placed at the end. The best wine is saved for last, but in order to successfully catch and hold the baton we must honor those that came before us. We must forgive their failures.

We must begin to uproot the weeds and remove the leaven that has grown alongside intermingled with our character. It is important that we forsake evil attitudes inclined towards receiving invitations, fame, money, streams, and denominations. This religious foundation if allowed to survive will soon grow out-of-control until the next generation comes rapidly ahead of us (trying to fix it) and then we’ll be afraid to allow them to be a spearhead for the next, because we think we will lose everything that we have built or thought of. Don’t worry; the Lord has already worked it out!  For some it will be as either you go to sleep, or someone else picks up the baton for you, while for others it’ll just be a simple removal or a de-commissioning.

Most foundational leaders will begin to see what is really happening when the hammer begins to strike at their core DNA. Sometimes, you just have to let go; you’ve had your time. It will be much more painful to attempt to hang on to something that really you’ve already lost. Should I remind you of King Saul? Obedience is better than sacrifice, even when you believe that your face, your fame, your ego, your character depends on it. Let it all go! Let the Lord transform you, if He hasn’t already during this past season.


The Near Future

Throughout the years many people have been using the word shift to signify major changes in the spirit. I believe that in this next season if we are going to continue to use this word, now would be the optimal time, and that it will express a perfect meaning. We are literally shifting into something new.  A new apostolic grace is at hand. Great Grace is being poured forth in this hour.

Everyone wants to know what this next season will hold.  It’s a year of great grace.  It’s a year that our leaders will need amazing grace.  The enemy doesn’t want to leave its position of influence and will try to do everything in its power to remain.  We, the people, must rally and unify ourselves under the cross and through one leader who will represent our beliefs. If we are in expectation of a revival in the nation then we must expect the leaders of this nation to represent the cross.

We are at a crucial place in our generation where we must first stand up and then take what is ours with violence and no holding back. Eight years later when we will be looking back, we will be the ones who should have taken the responsibility.  Choose not an echo, but the original sound.

This year will be a year that the shakings will show how truly the foundations of the United States were laid out.  We will see it naked.  We will surely see it before it is clothed back up again.

This year coming is one of major innovations and great opportunities.  Although this could be the best eight years of our lives, it surely will not be the easiest.  It could be some of the most demanding for our leaders. Major events such as never experienced in our lifetime will require much, even from great and holy leaders.  Our patience, dedication, and self-determination in order to see problems solved, will be vitally important.

We are in need of those who have the breaker anointing. Those who lead with a breaker anointing are being called forth to the frontlines now. Arise Warriors!

Prayer and worship must be brought back to the forefront as the Ark of the Covenant. The Presence of God and our encounters with the Lord must be at the head of the spear. This is how we can cause the descent of heavenly truth and strategies to this earth.

There is a river of power that is flowing into the body of Christ right now…We must catch the current and dive in head first!  This wave of Glory is only increasing in power and might. A mighty Grace upon Grace is being released to us now.