May 6, 2020 by
What’s Next (part 1)
With New Persecution there is a new kind of holiness coming, a new kind of worship, and new kind of church, and a new kind of power and authority to the body of Christ.This is time for the “real apostles” to please stand up and take your rightful place. A true apostle or should I say the ones who have been with Jesus after His resurrection are the ones in boldness who willfully give up everything to die for the faith. There must be a restructuring of the church in this hour, and the Lord is allowing it to happen. Nothing goes before Him and He not know it. He proclaimed it through some of His prophets who are no longer with us…like Bob Jones, Kim Clement, John Paul Jackson, Jill Austin, John Sanford and other notable Evangelist like Reinhardt Bonke, Billy Graham and many other Generals some who are still with us like Bishop Bill Hamon. I could list more influential like Rodney Howard-Browne, Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets, and Chuck Pierce, Guillermo Maldonado just to name a few. Not forgetting the folks in the revival alliance (Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Heidi & Rolland Baker, Che Ahn, John and Carol Arnot, the Banov etc..) who have been tirelessly ministering in the last decades with tremendous growth and effective renewal ministries.
Slowly the Lord is allowing notable generals in the faith to graduate to heaven to allow new ones to arise. We are at the beginning of a new cycle. The eyes of the Holy Spirit are searching for men and women who will stand up in every arena of society to carry the torch of faith, hope, and love to the lost. Yes, to include even the political arena (ie Candace Owens, Vice President Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, on and on) real believers in government.
As Mike Bickle says in similar words, as the dark gets darker, we shine brighter. In fact I believe the first leader in the faith who declared what everyone is echoing right now, was Mike Bickle about the “Reset.” People were upset and questioning him why they stopped doing “onething” conferences as they usually did. He was right. He has been right all along. You might wonder why? International House of Prayer (IHOP-KC) have mandated the studies of the end times through the books of the bible such as Revelation and other books with a different perspective of the tribulation. I don’t have time to get into that, but my point is the reading, teaching, and practicing and implementing “Revelation” as its immediate benefits. Another, proponent of the faith who I admire is Paul Keith Davis, who also teaches on this book in such a revelatory anointing only particular as a gift to his ministry, is very profound and Godly. These last two teachers and authors have all been mentored by Bob Jones respectfully (Bob Jones) has been impacting and touching the lives of many leaders for more than 40 years. I even found another prophet who the Lord had placed in obscurity, but will be emerging soon again Larry Randolph. Larry and Paul Keith Davis have been prophesying about what is happening now in their own respective gift. Not to forget Danny Steyne who has been relentlessly talking about the next great awakening before most people new the difference between an awakening and revival. He has been mentored by the same Bob Jones and John Wimber as well… Danny through his ministry has been releasing a new model for worship and what church ministry should look like. Not focused on buildings, but relationships. Another one of my favorite is Randy Demain who was ridiculed and set aside for a time for his prophetic book on the Nephilim agenda which is now becoming more popular and relevant topic.
- Bob Jones, Kim Clement, John Paul Jackson and Jill Austin are some of those who left us already, but the Lord allowed them to see the bigger picture. We are still fortunate to still have Prophet Bill Hamon who has written many books to include “The day of the Saints”. Another one of my favorite who has mentored and is still mentoring today is Graham Cooke (a prophet of the prophets) as laid deep foundations for the prophetic that still hasn’t been realized fully. These prophets have spoken the Word of the Lord concerning what is coming and how we must prepare. Each one of them in their own unique gifts has prepared us collectively for this new era. An era in which, we must change or be left behind. —To be continued…hangin there it will all come together, keep reading
photo credits by @sassephoto

The Eagle call photo credits to @sassepho