February 22, 2015 by
The chamber of the south
RuachI’m very sure that many have noticed the fresh Wind (Ruach) of the Spirit lately. Some of you have noticed how easily it is breaking-through in worship and into the manifested Presence as been. Truly, worshipers create momentum in the Spirit. Countless have been seeing and enjoying, prophetic insight and foresight, dreams and visions–in this season I like to call “season of the vortex”. The spirit of revelation in the knowledge of Him is awaken to uncover mysteries of the age to come–today. All these manifestations are not only for intimacy, pleasure and enjoyment, but also for strategic planning and execution. Many seasons have passed where we expressed prophetically of what is to come–that time has arrived now–even though there is always more to prophesy. Let the Lord rebuke us if we have not, until then we must say otherwise. We are now in the season of the now. Eternity has preordained it, the great cloud of witness has proclaimed it, and the heavens have signaled it. What more proof do we need?
Innumerable before us have prayed and paid the price in order for us to be at this place. I will be bold enough to say it again; “We are crossing the Jordan now!” Whether it’s with Joshua or with Elisha, they both fit this kairos moment. If Holy Spirit had an anniversary on earth (for suddenly[s] out of the whirlwind) this season would be His season for us to celebrate Him. He will answer us out of the whirlwind.Job 40:6 Remember it was in the upper room after they were of one accord and suddenly a whirlwind or a mighty rushing wind filled the house that ordinary men turned the world upside down with supernatural abilities. The Lord is blowing His Wind and the Fires of awakening have already started. The Grace of the Lord is moving us into the true apostolic age. The spirit of counsel and might is being released to those who are hungry enough to receive and bold enough to work it.
Water, Oil and Fire
We need to go deeper, higher and contend for the baptism of fire. This is the time to stop playing church and go out and evangelize the lost-and not for the purpose of filling church pews by the way, but for the kingdom (the Lord will take care of the bills and the pews). We must remember the five wise virgins who paid the price of intimacy-Oil with Holy Spirit, in order to be light and salt to this rapidly darkening world. “And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”Rev23:17 And again the General says: “Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” Isaiah 55:1
Revival Babies
The Lord has entrusted to some of you revival babies in your communities and fellowships. Although they may look very small, tiny and maybe perhaps malnourished, it’s your responsibility to feed and speak the Word of life to your babies. As you begin to prophesy and pray over their lives, you will begin to see them open their eyes to you. Those of you who see will receive the spirit of wisdom and understanding to carry this baby to maturity. The babies’ eyes are full of heaven.
Holy Spirit is the main Catalyst who precipitates these end times events. He is Love and “that which is perfect has come”.1Cor13:10a There is a remnant of burning ones He is indwelling now. Holiness and the fear of the Lord will be the banner spirit they will carry in order to be the proper conduit for Him to work in them. The catalysts will connect the dots; and will catapult the bride into maturity-of love. It’s time for the fearless warriors to arise and claim their inheritance. The gospel is not limited to wise words only, but manifests in power and glory in those who operated with Christ in them.
Planetary Alignment
There is a perfect alignment even in the cosmos for us to preach the gospel so there is no excuse. It was on the night of February 18th that I had a dream, and the Lord showed me a picture of planets aligned and the words “Planetary Alignment”. This was not just to discover two days later on the 20th of February 2015, there appeared planets aligned, but to signal and confirm a portal, passage or access to the heavens exists. Off course everyone knows already of the natural reflection of what is going on in the body of Christ (spiritually) at large can be seen in the parallel time line of Israel, conjointly the heavens do. We must continually pray for the peace of Israel and in turn boomerangs back to the body of Christ.
We are also in a time of war spiritually, and will manifest itself even more so in the natural, even as we speak, many Christians are being persecuted throughout the earth. And for those who have been “slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held,”Rev 6:9b and whose blood has been sown in the ground will be likened to that of Steven being martyred; the land will produce uncounted soul harvest. The blood of our brothers (aborted babies) are crying out both in heaven under the altar and on earth like Abel did for justice to be completed. Know one thing my brethren “the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry [because] the Face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.” Psa 34:15-16 Pray for our persecuted brothers and “when the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.”Prov10:25 “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Josh1:9b
We already know the outcome of this war. Every knee will bow to Jesus. We must worship the Lord with a renewed Love for His Presence to combat the enemy.
From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind.