February 18, 2015 by
The sons of this age

Luke 20:34-36 (NKJV)
34 Jesus answered and said to them, “The sons of this age marryG1060 and are
given in marriageG1548. 35 But those who are counted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; 36 nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
In the Previous verses 27-33 the Sadducees where not only trying to stump Jesus about the resurrection (if Jesus believed it existed or not, the Sadducees didn’t) , but also about women spiritual/natural equality to men. In these verses Jesus answered them by calling both men and women the sons of this age-meaning they are equal. He also provided the two words which in their culture used to signify men and woman. The first was “the sons of this age marry” and the other “the sons of this age are given in marriage”. As you can see the original word for “marry” in Greek is gameō (gam-eh’-o) or to lead in marriage, take to wife. This was directly referring to man who took a wife. The other ekgamiskō (ek-gam-is’-ko) or “given in marriage”, which was the action of the father of the daughter who gave away a daughter in marriage. So Jesus was saying this ;”The sons of this age (present day earth) whether men or women”-are equal; when these two marry on earth and out of those who are (saved) counted worthy to attain that age (finish the race), and the resurrection from the dead, (who make it to heaven, and the next age or the new earth), they will have no need to be married, nor will they die but live forever has sons of God, being sons of the resurrection as Myself.
From G1062; to wed (of either sex)
1) to lead in marriage, take to wife
Given in marriage
to espouse (a daughter to a husband)
Derivation: from G1062;
KJV Usage: give in marriage.
From G1537 and G1061; the same as G1547
KJV Usage: give in marriage.
1) to give away in marriage: a daughter
2) to marry, to be given in marriage